Senin, 28 Desember 2020



In this article I we wіll talk about a digital platform that renders the services like farming, governance, insurance, credit, exchange, self-banking and the likes. The platform is called Global Finance. It operates a decentralized finance system thаt has plans of creating a services that will earn investors more profits , аnd іt іѕ trying to actualize this dream by designing compliance іn the heart of іts architecture to eliminate regulatory risks thtt are currently takіng place and those whіch mіght occur іn the future.


Recently, there are countless decentralized finance platforms оut there but what makes global finance unique among them іs the various distinctive and trustworthy services available in the ecosystem and ensures safety іn thе entire Global Finance marketplace. Global finance is a digital decentralised finance platform that exploits thе positive features оf blockchain technology. Hence іt requires a utility token to harness іts system of operation fully. GFI Token іѕ the utility token that the platform has adopted. Thіѕ article reveals thе essential details оf the GLOBAL FINANCE PROJECT.


Global Finance project іs focusing more on venturing іnto all forms of digital assets exchange, staking, governance, swapping, liquidity pool, insurance of assets and lot more. Thіѕ way,investors and provider of liquidity wіll be able to be included іn the crypto space and earn massively because of thіs diversification.

Global Finance project іѕ gоіng tо bе thе ideal platform whеrе еvеrуоnе who possess a GFI token іѕ gіvеn аn avenue tо stake, contribute to the governance of the community аnd thеrе іѕ absolutely nо reason nоt tо venture іntо thе crypto space now. Thе goal of this project is to bring a conducive environment and an easy to use interface for users to be able to stake GFI token, exchange assets, swap from one assets to another, and also giving provider of liquidity to add liquidity.


For investors that will like to buy the GFI token, the pre-sale with go has follows:



  1. Staking pool : Holders of GFI that stake their token will earn close to 7.2% profits weekly.
  2. Global Exchange : The project is a decentralized finance project on the smartchain binance and it is powered by the community.
  3. Global swap : Users will be allowed to swap assets on the platform with ease and transactions are always swift.
  4. Global insurance : Assets of investors will be insured so has to be prevented from every instability in the crytocurrency space.
  5. Global Governance : The governance of the community will be based on what the users want, there is no dictator but GFI token holders will be allowed to contribute to the Governance matter of the community.
  6. The platform is easy to operate, users of any level can perform actions on the platform, it is not complex, it is easy to use.
  7. Efficient customer support : Thе users аrе thе top priority оf Global Finance project , іt hаѕ аn efficient support system, put іn place to provide a 24 hours help to іts users. They help to answer the user’s questions and help them know how to properly use the system.
  8. Fast Transactions : Users can now mаkе unlimited transactions, and transactions on the platform doesn’t take time, it is fast and easy to perform.


In Conclusion

The global finance platform іѕ еxасtlу whаt іѕ needed аt thіѕ point іn time, tо bring efficiency іntо thе decentralized finance system. Users саn stake GFI token, swap and exchange digital assets easily, whіlе аlѕо enjoying thе various benefits incured bу thе system. I bеlіеvе that, оnсе adopted, the platform will break grounds and boost global financial system аnd thе digital market at large.


#GLOBALFINANCE #DeFi #decentralized #insurance #insuretech #stablecoin dan #GFI


Useful links:





What is DaoSwap?

DAOswap is a decentralized financial platform based on Blockchain technology, their platform uses a sophisticated framework to give its users the opportunity to get better income with their crypto currency when contributing to the Liquidity Pool on DaoSwap Platform. By doing this the user places their crypto assets to add liquidity to the liquidity pool available on the DAOSWAP platform. Utilizing a unique protocol with the DeFi concept results in a higher ROI rate than other platforms.


Basically, Passive Income at an attractive rate is important. Therefore placing Crypto assets in the liquidity pool, especially on the DAOswap Platform will provide a more profitable ROI, Compared to the traditional investment system currently used, the DeFi concept is more profitable and gives full control to users and of course provide a more reasonable ROI. DAOSwap will provide a new experience to the crypto community with a faster Framework and a safe and comfortable investment alternative.

DaoSwap Liquidity

Currently in the DeFi world, Low Liquidity is a problem that is often encountered. Low liquidity will certainly provide inconvenience and trust for users to invest in a platform, especially one that based on Decentralized Finance, Low Liquidity will having a big impact on the pool, which is something that shouldn't be. On the DAOswap platform they give users the ability to trade their assets safely and transparently where DAOSwap will facilitate economic stability in the economic flow that occurs in the DAOSwap Ecosystem.




In my opinion, DaoSwap is quite interesting by offering a stable ecosystem for economic flow in their ecosystem. This gives trust to its users to become contributors on their platform. Compared to traditional investment ecosystems, of course DeFi has more benefits than such ecosystems. Another thing is a well-designed framework and APY which I think is quite profitable and worth a try, therefore I hope you will become part of this great platform!


I think it's enough for now, Don't forget to follow & upvote for more content about the new potential Project, I will give some links related to DaoSwap below. Thank you very much!


For more information please visit link below:



Senin, 14 Desember 2020


Biacoin은 무엇입니까?

Biacoin은 ERC-20 이더 리움 기반 블록 체인으로 상점, 호텔 예약, 자동차 제조 회사, 식료품 등에서 상품 및 서비스 구매에 사용됩니다.


BiaCoin은 유틸리티 토큰이며 이더 리움 네트워크에서 실행되는 디지털 통화입니다. Biacoin 토큰은 일반인이 일상 생활에서 일반 재료와 복잡한 재료를 모두 구매하는 데 사용됩니다. Biacoin은 현재의 물리적 통화를 대체하고 완전한 디지털 세계로의 길을 갈망 할 것입니다. Biacoin은 아프리카와 다른 국가를 탈 중앙화 및 블록 체인 기술의 세계로 이끌 것입니다.


Biacoin Arm / 플랜은 무엇입니까?

Biacoin은 주로 아프리카 전역의 무역 및 서비스 부족을 해결하기 위해 여기에 있으며, Biacoin은 현금없는 사회를 높이 평가하여 전 세계에서 비즈니스를 거래하는 데 도움이 될 수 있으며, Biacoin은 전 세계의 비즈니스 거래 부족 문제를 해결하기를 원합니다. 쉽게 거래 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. Biacoin은 아프리카 사람들의 숨결이자 상승하는 희망입니다. 아프리카의 10 억 명 이상이 아프리카와 전 세계에서 현금없는 경제와 자유 무역 거래가 부족하기 때문입니다.


ICO 란 무엇입니까?

ICO는 Initial Coin Offering을 의미합니다. 암호 화폐를 판매하여 모든 종류의 블록 체인 관련 프로젝트에 대한 자본을 조달하는 새로운 방법입니다. 새로운 프로젝트는이를 사용하여 비트 코인, 이더, 기타 암호 화폐와 교환하여 새로 발행 된 암호 화폐 토큰을 판매합니다.



Biacoin은 많은 장점을 가지고 있으며 시장에서 가장 두드러진 기능으로 구성됩니다.

1. Biacoin은 상점, 호텔 예약, 자동차 제조 회사 등에서 상품 및 서비스 구매에 사용됩니다.
2. Biacoin은 여러 거래소에서 거래 될 수 있습니다.
3. Biacoin은 거대한 수요와 제한된 공급으로 인해 자동으로 점진적으로 성장할 것입니다.
4. 2 ~ 3 개의 회사가 5 ~ 6 개월 이내에 Biacoin을 지원합니다.
5. Biacoin은 편리하고 번거롭지 않은 거래 방법을 제공합니다.


일반 시민들이 기존 신용 시장에서 대출을받지 못하게하는 '빨간 테이프와 관료적 넌센스'를 모두 제거함으로써 프로세스를 간소화하고 모든 규모의 대출의 가용성을 대폭 확대 할 수 있습니다. 대중. 이를 달성하는 유일한 방법은 커뮤니티가 프로토콜 인 거버넌스를 완전히 담당하게하는 것입니다.


토큰 정보

토큰 이름 : Biacoin.
스티커 기호 : BIA
Decimal : 18
계약 주소 :
Staring IEO 가격 : $ 0.75


할당 토큰
AIRDROP : 5,000,000.
SELFDROP : 7,000,000.
ICO : 8,000,000.
IEO : 10,000,000.
상장 : 10,000,000.
합계 : 40,000,000.


2018 년 5 월에 설립 된 Biacoin 프로젝트.

Biacoin은 2019 년 9 월에 생성되었습니다.

Biacoin 에어 드랍은 2020 년 9 월에 시작됩니다.

2020 년 10 월 시작되는 Biacoin ICO는 Biacoin 사이트에서 실행됩니다.

Selfdrop은 2020 년 10 월에 시작됩니다.

Biacoin IEO는 2020 년 11 월 좋은 거래소로 시작됩니다.

Biacoin Airdrop 배포는 IEO 이후에 발생합니다.

Biacoin은 2020 년 12 월과 2021 년 1 월에 거래소에 상장됩니다.

Biacoin은 다음 거래소에 상장됩니다


더 명확한 정보를 얻으려면




크리스탈 파이낸스 및 CRSTL이란?

Crystal Finance는 DeFi의 좋아하는 측면과 여러 가지 새로운 기능을 하나의 토큰으로 결합하는 향상된 DeFi 모델을 제공합니다. CRSTL의 고유 한 소각 및 분배 방식은 투자자에게 최대 이익을 제공하는 동시에 영구적 인 손실의 영향을 완전히 완화하는 것을 목표로합니다.


감시 할
우리의 스테이 킹 플랫폼은 추가 ETH을 지출하지 않고 수동 소득을 얻기 위해 투자를 할 수 있습니다. 대시 보드를 통해 CRSTL 토큰을 스테이 킹하고 수익을 올리십시오!


수확량 농업
CRSTL은 전통적인 수확량 농업과 당사의 고유 한 연소 및 분배 모델을 결합하여 DeFi에서 발견되는 가장 높은 수확량을 달성합니다.

CRSTL은 보유자가 프로토콜의 미래를 결정할 수있는 거버넌스 토큰입니다.

투자 확보
Uniswap 풀에 제공되는 초기 유동성은 Unicrypt를 사용하여 고정됩니다.

소각 사전 판매 토큰의 일부는 소각되어 CRSTL 스테이 커에게 배포되어 가격을 부풀리고 갑작스러운 덤프를 방지합니다.




크리스탈 토큰 :
이름 : 크리스탈 토큰
티커 : CRSTL
Decimal : 18
총 공급량 : 20,000 CRSTL


웹 사이트 :

LightPaper :

트위터 :

텔레 그램 :

DisCord :

GitHub :


작성자 :
Bitcointalk 프로필 :;u=2679147

Praem Capital

Praem Capital

Rising unemployment, the instability of the global economy, and widespread panic caused by the unknown are just a small part of the pandemic’s impact, which has affected millions of lives. Today, more and more people have begun to realize that having a solid “financial cushion” can provide security in difficult life situations.


Despite understanding the importance of investing and building a cash reserve, many people still hesitate to take such risks, mainly due to a large number of myths and a lack of investment experience.


About Praem Capital Ecosystem?
Praem Capital is a Swiss fintech company based on the concept of risk resilience. Praem combines technological solutions to generate profit in five different markets, a unique economic model, and partnerships that open up investor capital insurance opportunities. Since 2017, our team has been working on creating and improving technical solutions in the field of investment. Praem’s activities are aimed at intelligent investment, which is realized through technology that uses AI and trading bots. Each component of our ecosystem is integrated into a common mechanism, due to which it is possible to achieve a holistic and error-free operation of the company’s technologies. Praem Capital is a distinctive and one-of-a-kind platform providing a comprehensive solution to meet all modern investors’ needs.


Token General Information
The PRM token is an ERC20 standard utility token. Before starting the Token Sales, the source code of the token and smart contracts will be published on GitHub so that every token holder can make sure that the company’s obligations are fulfilled.


The Praem ecosystem targets high growth potential, and the PRM token is the measure of this growth. The PRM token will allow its holders to enjoy platform privileges and receive income from the growth of the value of the token and the operation of financial instruments. After the PRM token is listed on exchanges, token holders will have the opportunity to sell it.


Scalping Bot
Scalping bots on the Forex and Crypto markets sell multiple trades at once in a short period of time (positions are opened for no more than a day)


Trend Bot
Trend bots operate in the longer term on the Forex, Crypto and Stock markets. The main principle of their work is to identify trend changes on the markets and to carry out transactions in the most advantageous time


Arbitrage Bot
The Arbitrage Bot operates on several Crypto trading platforms, generating profits from buying and selling currencies on exchange rate differences on these platforms


Trading Bots

Praem Capital's trading bots have been specially designed by a team of experienced developers and talented mathematicians in order to trade on the foreign exchange, cryptocurrency and stock markets.
They outperform human capabilities, carry out far more transactions and even process them at a higher speed, freeing trading from subjective factors inherent in people, which is based on emotional decision-making, and ensuring uninterrupted work on profit making.


Their primary task is to carry out many operations within a short period of time, identifying the direction of trend changes on the markets, determining the most advantageous time for transactions and generating profit from the difference between the purchase and sale prices.
Bots are capable of instantly analysing over a hundred parameters before opening a potentially profitable order.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence was created and trained to enhance trading bots’ operation and became an integral part of the ecosystem. AI analyzes social, economical, and political data holistically, makes informed decisions, and compiles valuable recommendations for trading bots.


Praem Artificial Intelligence learns on the basis of Bot reports and general Big Data, making recommendations for investments.


The integration of AI work and Bot trading is now carried out manually by a team of Praem specialists, who receive data from AI and enter additional settings into the Bot. The next phase of the ecosystem development with the advent of Private Blockchain, is to carry out this phase automatically and instantly.


Automation Solutions
Private Blockchain

Private Blockchain is a key to Praem’s investment Breakthrough.

This technology ensures distributed data storage and automates operation of all ecosystem elements; it synchronizes bots' technical skills and AI’s profound know-ledge-implementing high-profit cross-niche trading across five markets. AI employs the chain of blocks to instantly transfer data to bots and creates cascades of related tran-sactions.


Decision-making is now bias-free. The blockchain optimizes human resources and cuts financial and managerial risks close to zero.


Bots and algorithms based on their own logic, create blocks in a chain where data regarding a particular position is located.


AI analyses and verifies block transactions and connects them in chains to synchronise all the data.

Without Blockchain bots and algorithms, decisions are made based on a set of parameters of trading aggressiveness and risks themselves. However, thanks to the full synchronisation of tools and the distribution of data to the Blockchain, bots and algorithms will instantly receive recommendations from AI, constantly improving their performance.


Secure investment

Technologies power the Praem ecosystem and reduce risks, while trading dip insurance provides investors with a higher capital security. In 2019, Praem Capital entered an exclusive partnership with a Hedge fund, based in Luxembourg.


In case of a high dip, investors' trading balances will be topped up with 50-100% of the funds in order to continue carrying out profitable orders. Once the covered dip returns back to its normal level, the funds are automatically returned


Totally, 20 million PRM tokens will
10M – Praem Capital
6М – Company reserve
4М – Hard Cap reserve
4М – Public sale
6М – Hedge fund
4М — Fund Investment guaranty;
2М — Insurance funds repayment guaranty.


Pre-sale Round 1
200 000 PRM
1 PRM = $0.7
-30% OFF


Pre-sale Round 2
200 000 PRM
1 PRM = $0.9
-10% OFF




Nicolas Durr - PhD, Founder & CEO of Praem Capital and

Denis Gusev - CMO Praem Capital, Marketing Manager at PrimeXBT

Marina Danylyuk - CLO/CO – Founder KAURI.ONE


To get clearer information:








Bitcointalk url:;u=2679147



iFarming Finance (IFY)

Yield farming is the latest craze in crypto and is the key reason behind the DeFi explosion going on right now, So what exactly is it? Well, yield farming entails lending crypto to earn more crypto. It is a break from the past where to make money in crypto, you either had to HODL or trade on price movements speculation. Essentially, a yield farmer will look for DeFi pools that offer the highest lending rates and lend with the aim of maximizing their crypto holding as much as possible.


Sounds too complicated? If you are a newbie in the DeFi space, you are probably wondering what is yield and how farming relates to crypto, right? To understand farming, you need to relate it to a bank account.

When you open a bank account and save money, you expect a return on your savings since the bank uses your money to earn through lending. The interest the bank pays is your yield. It is the same with DeFi yield farming. The only difference is that unlike conventional banking economics, DeFi is trustless. When farming cryptocurrency, you overcollaterize, meaning that the platform does not need to do KYC. Your wallet represents you instead of your name.


Yield farming is an expression used by many DeFi enthusiasts to define a process of acquiring more cryptocurrency by making the one you hold “work”. Nevertheless, this is only a broad explanation of this DeFi-related phenomenon. If we want to get really acquainted with yield farming, we’re going to have to dig much deeper into the matter. Yield farming is an effort of exploring and moving a certain cryptocurrency to protocols with the best APY (annual percentage yield) on a weekly or even more frequent basis. If those protocols are liquidity pools, then a crypto holder receives rewards in return for providing liquidity to the ecosystem. If a farmer receives additional coins besides the reward in tokens he invested, the process is called liquidity mining.


Yield farming, in a way, resembles investing in traditional funds. However, while a traditional investor doesn’t switch from one fund to another so frequently, a yield farmer does it very often, looking for the best opportunities. Most of the already established DeFi protocols suitable for yield farming are leaning on the power of the Ethereum or Tron network. However, they are all mutually detached and it is a highly time-consuming task determining which one of the protocols is currently the best yield farming option.


IFY Finance is an automated DeFi investment service platform that will allow users to earn yields across a variety of DeFi products in a risk/reward optimized way. It aims to bring more users to the DeFi landscape by making yield farming easily accessible to users. Yield farming today presents users with a high barrier-to-entry, cost, and risk. IFY Finance solves these pain points by giving users a low-cost frictionless way to pool their liquidity and allocate it across a portfolio of strategies. By pooling liquidity, the platform routes the funds in one transaction to the largest and greatest yield farming strategy, thereby saving gas fees for users. The platform launch is planned for December.


iFarming Features
IFY is essential for the bigger pattern of decentralized account: an industry that is centered around building decentralized budgetary instruments on top of existing brilliant agreement empowered digital forms of money. These instruments incorporate digital currency loaning, protection, decentralized trades, and other use cases.


Yield Farming
Yield ranchers just need to store their crypto utilizing our shrewd agreement, at that point iFarming handles all that it takes to get the best return acquiring on the lookout.


NFT Farming&Trading
Simple farming by holding or exchanging restricted release Non-Fungible tokens (NFT) gave by iFarming and air-dropped to the network. Clients can get these NFT in closeout or airdrop. We use OpenSea API SDK.


IFY ecosystem system is completely network claimed. Clients can propose and decide on any framework boundary. Clients are boosted with the IFY administration token to stay up with the latest with the most recent DeFi advancements.


Liquidity Mining
Liquidity providers earn standard rewards in addition to bonus IFY reward.


Profit Management
Crypto investment includes high danger, in any case, we are consistently constructing a key structure to chop down these dangers and changing speculation liquidity circulation to keep clients acquiring the best return.


Buy Back & Burn
Token value strength is a significant worry in most DeFi ventures, in this way, we organize buyback and consume IFY to make the cost exceptionally steady, secure, and straightforward for day to speculators.


Token Sale
A total of 100,000 IFY token will be sold. The private deal was effectively finished with all designated token (20,000 IFY) sold out. In presale 80,000 IFY is accessible in 3 unique stages. Any unsold symbolic will be scorched. As of now, presale stage 1 is open, you can get it here.


IFY Allocation

500,000 IFY have been minted at genesis (max supply)

60% community: 300,000 IFY for community, LP, staking reward

20% investors: 100,000 IFY for presale to early investors

16% development: 80,000 IFY for future development and marketing 

4% team: 20,000 IFY for team members and workers

IFY contract address: 0x5CD5a1042a9B0656f747E49CD33aAD262Fa04E7D


The iFarming Finance Token Sale.
Name: iFarming
Ticker: IFY
Decimal: 18
Max Supply: 500,000
Private-Sale: 20,000
Pree - Sale: 80,000
Unsold Token: Be Burned
Phase 1 Price: 0.004 ETH
Phase 2 Price: 0.00666 ETH
Phase 3 Price: 0.01 ETH
Listing Price: 0.01333 ETH


Upcoming Events

November 2020
Whitepaper Release
First Marketing Campaign
NFT Auction


December 2020
Liquidity pool
Yield Farming by depositing assets
Decentralized exchange listing (Uniswap, 1Inch, Balancer etc)
Centralized exchange listing (, MXC, LaToken, Hotbit, Crex24 etc)
Token tracker listing (CMC. Coingecko etc)
NFT Farming


January 2021
New strategic partnership to improve iFarming service
Seeking solutions for cross-chain integration
First governance voting enabled
Buy back & burn


February 2021
New exchange
Licence Register as Finance Farming Platform


March 2021
Community decides


The Core Team


Bitcointalk Bounty:


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