Selasa, 29 Oktober 2019

GPM Carbon

GPMCoin은 무엇입니까
GPMCoin은 인플레이션과 암호 화폐 변동성의 영향을받지 않습니다. 프로젝트 초기 단계에서 GPMCoin 인수에 대한 탁월한 전망. 투자의 전체 투명성과 프로젝트의 모든 단계의 구현. GPMCoin은 완전한 토큰입니다.

참가자 신뢰
각 참가자는 구매 한 GPMCoin에 대해 완제품 (활성탄)을받을 수 있습니다. 프로젝트 정보를 완전히여십시오. 팀원은 신뢰할 수있는 출처를 통해 KYC 절차를 거칩니다.

GPM Carbon 프로젝트 참여의 이점
  • 기술
프로젝트를 성공적으로 구현하기 위해 독점적으로 사용할 수있는 제품 생산을위한 혁신적인 특허 기술을 보유하고 있습니다.
  • 원료
필요한 양으로 항상 사용할 수 있습니다. 활성탄 생산에 필요한 원료의 품질은 세계 최고 중 하나입니다.
  • 가격
당사의 기술을 사용하여 제품을 생산하면 주요 글로벌 생산 업체의 비용과 비교하여 비용이 크게 절감됩니다.
  • 생산 준비 완료
준비된 기술의 가용성. 직원 매우 직원. 생산을 시작할 준비가 100 %입니다.
프로젝트 혜택
토큰의 장점
산업 지향 블록 체인 프로젝트
실제 생산 기반
모든 단계에서 완벽한 투명성
독특하고 안정적이며 혁신적인 블록 체인 제품
원시 토큰의 소유자가 될 수있는 기회
18 개월 후 전액 환불
R & D 및 관리 및 마케팅에 130 만 달러 이상 투자

2013-개발 및 기술 특허 시작
2015-생산 단지 현대화
2017-복잡한 생산 엔지니어링 시스템의 현대화
2018-사업 계획 및 재무 모델 개발
2019-주요 TGE 토큰 이벤트 수행
2020-주요 생산 시설 출시
2021-블록 체인 기술로 탄소 GPM 생태계 구축
2022-GPM Carbon 자체 제품 라인 출시

블록 체인 기술 적용
블록 체인
경제 토큰
토큰 일정
  1. 티지
  2. 사전 판매
  3. 소유자
  4. 선물
  5. 고문
토큰 경제 차트
  • 이고르 카시 노프
전략적 계획 및 전반적인 프로젝트 관리
  • 파벨 야 센코프
사업 계획, 분석 및 프로젝트 재무 관리.
  • 레이 캬트 쿠진
재무, 행정, ​​마케팅 및 공공 조달 분야의 전문 지식.
  • 알렉시 레빈 스키
인터넷 마케팅.
투자 활동의 프로젝트 관리.
  • 부티 야 로프 로마
IT 시스템의 개발 및 출시 비즈니스 프로세스 자동화; 웹 개발, 블록 체인, 스마트 계약
마케팅 전문성 : 미국, 호주 및 유럽 시장에서 독점 B2B 서비스 및 프로젝트 독점 프로모션
  • 콘스탄틴 네스테렌코
기술, R & D, HR 및 관리
  • 에두아르 루미 안세
재무 계획의 전문 지식

  • 발레 인디 크
안전한 통신 시스템 및 중요한 개인 데이터의 저장, 처리 및 전송 전문가. 사회 공학 및 대책 전문가.
  • 알렉산더 앤드 리프
대외 경제 관계. 세계 시장에서의 입지. EU의 사업 개발 고문, 마케팅 및 판매 전략.
  • 네이버 카푸어
비즈니스 분석가. 스크럼 마스터 프로젝트 관리자. 블록 체인 전문가.




Pendekatan hiper inflasi adalah cara yang lebih ekonomis untuk menambang mata uang kripto. Sekarang Anda tidak perlu energi tinggi, komputer yang rumit, dan jutaan dolar untuk mendirikan sebuah ladang pertambangan.

Aerotoken dapat ditambang dengan menyelesaikan hanya satu transaksi. Peningkatan 1% tidak dapat dicapai dengan menyiapkan semua teknologi bersama, tetapi dengan AET Anda memiliki pengubah permainan.

Aerotoken kompatibel dengan Imtoken, dompet Trust, dll.

Tentang Token AERO
AERO Token memungkinkan host (yaitu pemilik properti) untuk mengotorisasi properti mereka untuk operasi Right-of-Way drone.

Dengan secara sukarela memberikan kemudahan navigasi (“ROW”) yang dapat dibatalkan dan memberikan otorisasi akses ke properti pribadi - atau publik - di Jaringan AERO, pemilik properti dan penyedia layanan drone tetap memegang kendali atas aset mereka, kebijaksanaan penggunaan dan berada dalam melanjutkan komunikasi real-time.

Alih-alih mengejar tindakan domain terkemuka, yang tidak perlu mendorong masalah kebijakan publik dan kemungkinan litigasi pada individu yang tidak menaruh curiga, kami mengusulkan mekanisme yang keduanya memberikan insentif partisipasi pemilik properti (yaitu tuan rumah), sambil memberikan potensi yang tidak terbatas untuk menciptakan jalur penerbangan dinamis untuk drone komersial penyedia layanan (yaitu sebagai lawan dari jalur statis) dan kemampuan untuk terbang pada ketinggian rendah di atas properti pribadi tanpa masuk tanpa izin.

- AERO Token memungkinkan host (yaitu pemilik properti) untuk mengotorisasi properti mereka untuk operasi Right-of-Way drone komersial.
- Peserta dapat memberi tahu blockchain ruang udara mereka tersedia, menjadikan aset mereka yang kurang digunakan (wilayah udara) menjadi sumber penghasil pendapatan dan memaksimalkan potensi penggunaannya.
- Sebagai token utilitas, AERO Token akan menjadi bahan bakar eksklusif untuk Jaringan AERO. Memiliki Token AERO sebelum ketersediaan jaringan dapat dianalogikan dengan memiliki bensin sebelum ketersediaan jalan untuk mobil.

AERO Token (AERO) Detail ICO & Informasi Keuangan
Nama ICO  Token AERO
Simbol  AERO
Tanggal Mulai  TBA
Tanggal Akhir  TBA
Negara  N / A
Platform Tidak  Ada

Mekanisme Distribusi
40% - Pengembangan / Pendaftaran
20% - Airdrop / Bounty
40% - Komunitas

Chase Perkins
Eric Wroble
Hayley Halpin
Robin Bascom
Jason Thomas
Paolo Santonocito

Aaron Crews
Marti Tirinnanzi
Andrew Hart
Spencer Noon



Pertukaran Catex


Blockchain menawan, karena itu membangun penggunaan luar biasa pada ide-ide yang spektakuler. Intinya, mengadopsi teknologi blockchain melalui cryptocurrency benar-benar luar biasa dan luar biasa. Ini pada dasarnya yang diwakili oleh platform Cannacor blockchain melalui peningkatan rencana dan gagasan adopsi ganja. Platform ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan proses pengiriman, pemrosesan, dan pemurnian kanibula bagi pengguna secara besar-besaran, karena seluruh proses manajemen rantai pasokan, analisis biaya dan proses, optimalisasi dan perencanaan silsilah sebagaimana konsistensi produk. Ini pada dasarnya menciptakan perubahan paradigma yang tepat bagi pengguna untuk dijelajahi. Ini menciptakan kerangka kerja paradigma bagi pengguna melalui membuat ganja lebih sehat sebagai produk pada umumnya. Inilah yang dibuat, dipertahankan, dan dibangun platform secara singkat.

Platform cryptocurrency Cannacor adalah platform desentralisasi yang mengadopsi produksi genetik murni, pemurnian ganja dengan perusahaan Cryptocurrency blockchain untuk penggunaan ganja dalam perawatan kesehatan dan pengembangan obat-obatan untuk pencegahan penyakit dan pandemi. Ganja seperti yang terlihat secara global dianggap sebagai area terlarang untuk penggunaan manusia. Platform ini pada dasarnya merupakan pergeseran dari norma. Itu memilih untuk menetapkan ganja sebagai produk perawatan kesehatan dalam perspektif yang tepat dan aplikasi untuk penyembuhan, pencegahan dan perawatan umum pasien. Ini yang dipilihnya juga untuk dicapai melalui penggunaan aplikasi cryptocurrency blockchain, penggunaan kontrak cerdas paradigma Etheruem ERC-20. Ini secara eksplisit memvalidasi titik fokus platform dan juga nilai moneter yang akan sangat menarik bagi pengguna.

Platform Cannacor blockchain adalah platform unik yang dirancang untuk menampung kerangka kerja yang tepat untuk produksi produk medis dari ganja. Ini, bagaimanapun, secara kolektif dirancang dengan serangkaian fitur unik. Fitur-fitur ini termasuk sebagai berikut:
  • Manajemen rantai persediaan
Platform Cannacor dirancang dalam kerangka proses manajemen rantai pasokan. Ini akan memastikan manajemen, perencanaan, analisis yang layak dan juga pencapaian tujuan dari tujuan, sasaran, dan jadwal tugas proyek yang ditetapkan.
  • Struktur Terdesentralisasi
Platform Cannacor dirancang dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi, karenanya ini memudahkan pengguna untuk menjelajahi dan memeriksa pembaruan terlepas dari lokasi mereka, titik referensi geografis. Ini memvalidasi, di samping itu, esensi fungsional bukan sistem pusat. Lebih lanjut, platform ini menggunakan struktur Etheruem ERC-20, yang memungkinkannya lebih fleksibel untuk pertukaran di pasar cryptocurrency.
  • Manajemen Produksi dan Budidaya
Platform Cannacor dapat secara objektif berhasil melalui proses manajemen produksi dan budidaya. Pada dasarnya inilah yang dimaksud dengan platform. Ini adalah model, yang dibuat tim untuk dokumentasi yang tepat dan manajemen tim yang tepat, seperti halnya proses validasi sistem produksi dan budidaya. Selain itu, ini meningkatkan dan menetapkan norma di mana pengguna dapat lebih memahami bagaimana budidaya ganja dilakukan, bagaimana itu diproses, dikemas dan juga digunakan sebagai suplemen bagi pengguna. Intinya, platform ini menggunakan anagram blockchain untuk pendanaan cryptocurrency dan karenanya membuatnya sangat dapat dipercaya bagi pengguna. Selain itu, platform mengoordinasikan seluruh proses melalui model ini. Ini pada dasarnya apa yang diwakilinya di front global untuk pengguna.
  • Analisis proses
Analisis proses Cannacor dari platform dirancang secara unik untuk meningkatkan model proses prospek untuk pencapaian manfaat yang efektif dan efisien atau dapat dicapai oleh pengguna. Ini, tim menganggap sebagai fokus paradigma untuk mencapai keuntungan dari platform secara umum.
  • Dapat diukur
Cannacor dapat menampung miliaran operasi secara bersamaan dan juga dapat berfungsi tanpa membeku secara umum. Ini adalah relevansi dan kerangka kerja unik untuk membuat platform lebih andal dan dapat diandalkan bagi pengguna.
  • Manajemen Regulasi dan Kepatuhan
Cannacor memiliki kerangka kerja desain untuk regulasi dan kepatuhan manajemen ganja untuk proses produksinya, pengemasan, dan banyak lagi lainnya.
Informasi penjualan Pra-ICO
Awal Pra-Penjualan: 11 September 2019 dan berakhir 15 Desember 2019
Pra-ICO: Harga Koin $ 0,06
Coin Ticker: CANO
Jenis KoinL: ERC20 Ethereum
Jumlah koin untuk Pra-ICO: 468 Juta
Total Pasokan Koin: 1,5 Miliar

Alokasi Koin
78%: Penjualan Koin
07%: Tim CannaCor
07%: Tim Blockchain Corp
05%: Kemitraan Strategis
03%: Bounty & Airdrop

Distribusi Dana
30%: Budidaya
30%: Teknologi & Inti
08%: Pemasaran & Bisnis
05%: Admin
12%: Likuiditas di Bursa
05%: Legal
05%: Biaya Pendaftaran Pertukaran
05%: Komisi & Biaya

  • TRIWULAN ke-4 2018
Sesi-sesi penelitian dan curah pendapat dimulai untuk membangun solusi yang paling layak untuk mengolah ganja medis
Teknologi saat ini diteliti untuk membangun cryptocurrency CannaCor
Berbagai teknologi blockchain diteliti untuk mengelola siklus hidup budidaya ganja medis dan sistem manajemen rantai pasokan
Aliansi strategis dibentuk dengan pengembang blockchain, pembudidaya dan pelopor dalam industri ganja
Perusahaan yang didirikan di Lesotho, Afrika selatan, untuk mengoperasikan kegiatan bisnis berikut:
- Pertumbuhan tanaman obat dan farmasi
- penjualan grosir dan / atau eceran barang-barang farmasi dan medis.
  • TRIWULAN 2019
50.000 m2 lahan pertanian diperoleh di Lesotho, Afrika selatan, untuk penanaman ganja medis
Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) dikuratori dan diserahkan
Aplikasi lisensi diajukan ke Otoritas Pengontrol Obat di Lesotho untuk mendapatkan:
- otorisasi untuk ekspor dan impor ganja medis
- otorisasi untuk menghasilkan produk ganja medis.
  • KUARTAL II 2019
Pengembang Blockchain dan tim pemasaran ICO ditunjuk
Pengembangan kertas hijau
Desain tanaman budidaya ganja.
Izin budidaya CannaCor medis disetujui
Desain / halaman arahan situs web baru
Dompet dan pengembangan panel administrasi pengguna
Greenpaper diperbarui dan identitas perusahaan baru dimasukkan
Babak pra-ICO dimulai 11 September 2019 dan berakhir pada 15 Desember 2019.
  • TRIWULAN ke-4 2019
Peluncuran ICO 16 Desember 2019 dan berakhir 31 Maret 2020
Desain tanaman budidaya, laboratorium pengujian dan pabrik pengemasan diselesaikan
 Pembangunan fasilitas budidaya
Pengembangan aplikasi Blockchain dan Hyperledger Fabric, menggabungkan pelabelan kode QR, penelusuran produk, otentikasi obat, manajemen siklus hidup produksi, dan aplikasi rantai pasokan
Dompet dan rilis situs web baru.
  • QUARTER 2020 2020
Pengujian BETA aplikasi CannaCor
Tanaman ganja pertama kali ditanam
Integrasi aplikasi dari siklus produksi.
  • TRIWULAN II 2020
Panen pertama, integrasi aplikasi rantai pasokan dan pembelian kembali koin pertama.

Tim Cannacor
Hugo: CEO
Pieter-Jan: CFO
Pieter: Direktur Operasi
Tobie: Penasihat Hukum
Referensi: SDM
Jan: Penasihat Teknis
Seabata: Keamanan
Frik: Master Grower

Tim Blockchain Corp
Gerhard: Pendiri
Logan: Insinyur Perangkat Lunak
Ankur: Penasihat Teknis
Hari: Penasihat Teknis
Willie: Penasihat Kultivasi
Sergey: Blockchain dan Penasihat Perangkat Lunak
Adeniji: Penasihat
Deepanshu: Penasihat
Peter Cris Nabida: Penasihat
Situs web:

Jumat, 25 Oktober 2019



Data storage and workflow technologies on the blockchain have been around since the 1990s. Bitcoin is the first full implementation of the blockchain. Bitcoin was made in 2008 and released in 2009 with open source. This is a peer-to-peer digital asset and payment system without a single point of failure.
Previous attempts to create a digital currency system failed because digital transactions could be copied, allowing users to spend more than once. Bitcoin solves the problem of double costs using a universal list of blockchain and confirmation processes.
Blockchain offers Bitcoin a set of fixed mechanical rules so that transactions can be carried out between private users without intermediaries. As Bitcoin became increasingly popular, other digital currencies quickly followed their own blockchain implementation. Every new and successful implementation of connected technology forces others to pay attention, causing an explosion of interest in the blockchain in various industries and applications.
Although urban development can stimulate economic growth and opportunities, megalopolises also risk complexity. Through the Internet of Things and sensory devices, we can digitize urban services and provide applications for data mining, resource management, insurance, business operations and risk control for governments, industry and research institutions.
Not all blockchain is the same. Some cryptocurrency today (also known as digital currency) starts with the bitcoin code base, and many use the same block chain. For example, bitcoin and lightcoin use the same binary format for the blockchain, but differ in cryptographic and consensus approaches. Zcash is a cryptocurrency based on previous versions of Bitcoin, but has made significant changes to support additional anonymity and confidentiality. Allowed blocks such as Hyperledger, Chain, R3 Corda, and BigchainDB use the NoSQL core database to store blockchain data. Allowed or personal blocks give certain parties permission in the network to authenticate blockchain transactions through the access level. Although personal blockchains do not require a consistent process, they are less destructive,
CitiOS This project is one of the competitive points for commercial value against crypto currency fluctuations, especially in the development of smart contract systems under the aegis of ethereum. Some basic calculations about this project can be calculated accurately relative to the potential scale in the development of the project which actually has a commercial impact on the capital owner. Considering its potential, some terms are more popular than blockchains. However, to understand the business application, it's important to understand what a blockchain is, but also what isn't.
Blockchain is not just bitcoin. Originally related to online currency, blockchain is not just Bitcoin technology or just a sensation on the Internet. It is widely used in industry and is used as a secure data network for many markets, including supply chains and food security solutions.


While urban development can spur economic growth and opportunities, big cities also face risks of complexity. Through the Internet of Things and sensing tools, we can digitize city services and provide applications for data research, resource management, insurance, business transactions, and risk control for governments, industries and research institutions.


How does the robot pay to the robot? Obviously not using a credit card. CitiOS has R2 to Crypto point-to-point micropayment tokens, high-speed transactions and zero transaction fees.

  • Token Details

The CitiOS blockchain system will use the ERC20 token utility known as RoboAi Coin, symbolized as R2R. This project is based on the Ethereum platform and thus the reason why the token is ERC20.
Digital currencies will be used to facilitate international solutions, especially among cross-country organizations in fields such as African development.
He was also determined to be the main facilitator in investor participation in all projects. Tokens (R2R) are available for investors.

Token Name: RoboAi Coin R2R
Token Standard: ERC20
Symbol: R2R
Token Feature: Etheruem Blockchain
Total RoboAi Coins in circulation: 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Price: $ 0.4 - $ 1.0
Softcap: $ 30,000,000 ($ 30 million)
Hardcap: $ 180,000,000 ($ 180 million)

Feature Increased Token: Deploying Proxy Contracts, making proxy contracts act as a bridge between the actual contract and the client. (A proxy contract is used to make the contract renewable)
Locking Period: Expands the ERC20 interface to support functions
- key - token key - lock period - total bal (including locked token) - bal (only unlocked token)
Token Launch Date: Dec. 1, 2019
Team, Partners, Marketing - Locked for 36 months. Unlock 1/36 per month.
Presale discount token - 12 months locked. Unlock 1/12 of the month.
Presale bonus tokens - Locked 18 months (release 1/12 starting from the 6th month)
Presale Token - 6 months locked (hard release starting from the 6th month)
Airdrop Token - Locked 12 months (Hard release from the 6th month, then release 1/6 per month)

Responsive image


Sales of CitiOS tokens will be made through an Initial Coin Offer (ICO) with a target amount of $ 180,000,000.
Collection (locking) will primarily be used for Attribution prizes and refers to scheduling the number of tokens that will be entered into the market to meet service requests and ensure healthy liquidity from the token market. We will place tokens on the market in stages while checking for changes in the number of users or markets.

1 billion available tokens will be distributed as follows:
30% for Reserves
5% for Partners
7% for marketing
7% for the team
50% for sale
1% for Airdrop
Therefore, ICO token sales will be 50% of the total available CitiOS tokens.

Use and Sales of R2R Tokens

R2R Tokens are consumed as a consideration for services in the R2R Platform.
In the future, after ICO / IEO, R2R Tokens will be traded and may be bought and sold at
appropriate exchange.
Depending on the market, tokens will be placed in the market from Pool (lock-up) to
address the increasing number of users.

Distribution of funds

Funds collected through the sale of tokens will mainly be used for business development,
including further development of products and systems, promoting services after launch, securing global distribution, and increasing sales and marketing towards business expansion.
11% will be used for marketing
11% will be used to deal with legal matters.
22% will be used in product and system development.
34% will be used to run all business operations.
22% will be used to oversee future project developments.
In this case, marketing refers to offering incentives to companies that contribute to



Managing is a Business Strategist with International Business Development, Growth Consultation and Expansion.
Experience in International Business Alliance, Consultation, Foreign Government relations and FDI consultancy. Technology enthusiasts with operational and business experience on ongoing projects on blockchain, IoT, Fintech and previous experience with AI, ML, and AR / VR. Work on projects inside and outside offices in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the US, and Thailand. Involved in Strategic decisions, Negotiations, Financial Projections to create various scenarios for domestic and international clients. "
Robert Choi:   VP, MARKETING
Robert Choi Ph, D is Founder and CEO of Cornert Pte, Ltd. - blockchain marketing & consulting company in Singapore.
Robert is a blockchain global marketer, ICO / STO advisor, speaker, writer, and columnist. He has more than 20 years of global marketing experience in the conventional industry Procter & Gamble, Adidas, Allianz Life Insurance, and the blockchain / crytocurrency industry.
Kailash Raghuwanshi (kai) is an Author & International business advisor who has served clients in more than 30 countries that provide leading business advice solutions to change business in the last decade.
His current focus areas include helping clients develop effective business development, sales strategies & fundraising solutions. As a strong supporter of IoT, blockchain & fintech solutions, he currently advises a number of clients in the Asia Pacific region about their strategies for this new age solution. His research work on IoT, RFID & RTLS has been published in American & Singapore Journals & libraries. Kai graduated with a M.Sc in Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York - Stony Brook, New York, USA.

Takaro is a Business Administration (MBA) graduate from Keio University School.
Nippon Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. (Daiwa Corporate Investment CEO at KFE JAPA, Miwa Tech's Environmental Solutions Division after MBO.
He is responsible for implementing client energy utilization in the Energy Management Services Division.
Using his knowledge of efficient energy management technology, he has successfully applied his skills in IoT solutions in auditing & vital industries. He is also responsible for the implementation of AI.
Hareo is a Doctor of Engineering.
Previously a professor at Tokyo Denki University, Founded DiMAGIC, Director of Adaptive Audio Ltd., UK, CTO at Nanobell, Director of Neural Networks, R&D General Manager, Director of MATIS's subsidiary, specializing in Digital Signal Processing, Acoustic Engineering. Currently focusing on R&D in CNT (Carbon Nano-Tubing) in the fields of nanotechnology, IoT Network, Sensors, AI, and Block Chain development.
Satoshi Fukudome:   FINANCIAL ADVISORY
Fukudome is a certified Public Accountant (CPA), US CPA, and Certified Administrative Law Specialist, Washington State CPA License.
He is a graduate of the Keio University Business Department.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC, KPMG AZSA LLC, Washington State CPA CPA US CPA CPTA Certified Administrative Procedure Specialist Satoshi Fukudome Office Law and also the CEO of Satoshi Fukudome Global Accounting Advisory.

A senior legal expert with extensive experience in the IT and financial industry. He serves as a global and regional legal advisor in the Asia Pacific region, the Middle East, North Africa and North America.
As an early investor and evangelist of the blockchain, Tan has a deep understanding of legal policies and regulations related to industry. Founded Gravity. Finance (Challenger Bank), Malcolm Tan Chambers LLC and other consulting services companies, which provide technical, legal and other support services for the digital asset industry, including Dapp development, legal advice, e-wallet, asset storage, insurance, etc.
Eugene is CMO Gravitas International, Global Blockchain Advisory and Executive Director of the Global Web Traffic service.
A former banker from Citibank and Standard Chartered, Eugene is also a Series Entrepreneur with years of experience in Hacking Growth and Online Marketing. Familiar with Global brands, he used to run an advertising agency that handles various global multinational companies such as Singapore Changi Airport, Triumph International, ECCO shoes etc.
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