Rabu, 26 Februari 2020


HITMEXは、非常に高性能な注文照合エンジンを備えた世界クラスのブロックチェーン資産交換です。 これは、高レバレッジをサポートし、トランザクションあたり最大1,000,000米ドルの資産交換をサポートすることを目的とした次世代の暗号資産取引プラットフォームです。

Hitmex Exchangeターゲットは、統合および分散暗号化交換のすべての欠陥を克服しました。 根本的な問題を理解しており、ターゲットは後で残りを理解します。

あなたがトレーダーであれば、これは非常に良い機会です。 多数のトランザクションを作成した後、この交換を使用できます。低速ではなく、この状況での時間の消費を削減できるためです。

Hitmex Exchangeは、集中型および分散型の暗号交換のすべての弱点を克服することを目的としています。 私たちは主な問題を解決し、将来の残りを解決することを目指しています。 Hitmex Exchangeは、BMEXという名前でHitmex Exchangeに独自のトークンを導入します。 交換でもBMEXのIEO(初期交換オファー)を行います。

HITMEXは保険基金を作成します。 総収入の10%はコールドストレージウォレットに安全に保管され、ハッキングや予期しない事態が発生した場合に1人のユーザーが資金を失うことがないようにするための保険基金として使用されます。

アフィリエイトプログラムは、より多くの収益を上げるのに役立ちます。 匿名転送により、システムは安全になります。 24時間年中無休のシステムの操作にはいつでもアクセスできます。 デジタル通貨への投資は簡単です。 逆トランザクションは少し考えを与えます。 デジタル通貨デフレの性質が主な特徴です。

地方分権化と通貨移転の比類のない速度。 Hitmex Exchangeは、人々が通貨を取引する方法に革命を起こすことを目指しています。 私たちは人々が彼らの投資をコントロールするのを助けたいです。 私たちの主な目標は、利用可能な他のオプションよりも多くのものを人々に提供することです。 いくつかの重要な利点は次のとおりです。Pag​​e 6



総供給:1B BMEX
最大供給:BMB 1B
循環供給:750M BMEX

1.集中交換の大きな問題を克服する時が来ました。  Hackernoon.com。  2018年11月28日:  https :  //hackernoon.com/itstime-to-address-the-massive-problems-of-centralized-exchangesac2cfb66bef8
2.暗号通貨交換。  Techopedia.com:   https://www.techopedia.com/definition/33372/cryptocurrencyexchange
3.デジタル通貨取引の利点。  IG.com。  www.ig.com/en/cryptocurrency-trading/benefits-of-cryptocurrencytrading

ウェブサイト:https :  //hitmex.io/
電報:http :  //t.me/HitMexExchange
アンバウンティスレッド:https :  //bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5226883.0





ボットは、Snap Protocolの上に配置できます。ボットとデータの所有権は、スマートコントラクトによって保護できます。これらのボットは、オンチェーンリソースとオフチェーンリソースの両方を利用して、必要なAIを開発します。現在のボットが実行できる機能には、トレーディング、フェイススワップ、ウェルスアドバイザリー、人事および市場センチメントなどがあります。


SnapBotは、Snap Protocolで作成されます。このようなボットは、共有リソースを使用してAIを構築できます。現在のボットは、トレーディング、フェイススワップ、ウェルスアドバイザリー、人事および市場センチメントのユーザーを支援できます。









SnapBotsがSnap Reservesの収益性の高い戦略を生成すると、暗号化予約の全体的な価値は時間とともに増加しますが、SNAPは使用によって減少(焼き付き)します。トークンホールドは、より価値のあるSNAPを保持することで獲得できます。


Substainabilityのために組み込まれたTrading arm



ウェブサイト:https : //snapbots.io/ 
電報:https : //t.me/SnapB 

Kamis, 13 Februari 2020


The BlockBurn gaming network is an innovative arena for both gamers and gamblers alike. The economy of the platform will run on the BURN token, allowing users to bet their BURN tokens in fun multi-player action shooter battle gaming arenas. Users can also buy into the regular BlockBurn lottery for a chance to win the jackpot!
Our mission is to provide a highly refined and memorable gaming experience, where gambling is not the only important element. The games focus on highly entertaining and engaging gameplay, with stunning graphics, smooth animations, satisfying sound effects and intuitive navigation.
Players are able to customize their characters looks, as well as purchase character upgrades using the BURN token.
The gaming network implements a number of functions which will incentivize and encourage the player to hold and use more BURN tokens, resulting in a fuller gaming experience for the user and contributing to the overall value of the BURN token.

We are working closely together with our closest partner – Dutch Game Studio, the pinnacle of mobile gaming development. Development of the game is underway and will be released by Q1 2021.
The first step in the development process of the mobile game, began with brainstorming themes of the game and it’s function in the BURN tokenomics. Important aspects were considered such as visual appeal, brand building, player retention and value brought to the BURN cryptocurrency. After we had settled on the overall direction and specifics of the game, the gaming team began the development process.
The game will allow us to market into two very separate spaces; mobile gaming and the crypto space. Having the opportunity to cross into both spaces gives BlockBurn a unique advantage, allowing for growth in both industries.
Our marketing will begin and continue throughout development, during this time we will be releasing short teaser trailers as a way of building anticipation and giving the public a sneak peak into what is coming.
Upon the games release we are expecting big growth, at which time our marketing budget will be increased in order to maximise exposure of the game within both the crypto and gaming spaces.

The BURN token is used as a gambling token within the BlockBurn gaming network. It is set to disrupt the online gambling industry by creating a decentralised gaming network, with the BURN token as it’s currency. It will be at the forefront of a new era of online gaming, one that is the nexus between gamers and cryptocurrency holders.
In order for players to participate in multiplayer matches, they must deposit BURN tokens into the wallet address of their gaming app. The funds can be used as wagers in multiplayer matches/tournaments. The winner of each match will win the collected pool of BURN tokens.
In order to support and generate supplementary value to the BURN token, holding more BURN gives you access to bonus features. Upgrades such as special weapons and character styles can be purchased with BURN, players are also able to unlock special characters with BURN. These are some of the ways in which players are encouraged to continue holding their BURN tokens in their account after a big win. Increasing the overall function of BURN within the gaming network will result in less players selling their BURN tokens after a win, but rather putting them back into the game.

The overall global gaming market, was estimated to be worth around $135 billion in 2018. The largest sector of this massive figure is attributed to mobile gaming, estimated at around $63 billion, taking an impressive 47% share.
Mobile is also beginning to dominate gambling, with 70% of gambling transactions now being done online.While mobile gaming and gambling are booming industries, mobile cryptocurrency gambling is scarce. BlockBurn is creating a new and innovation form of mobile gaming and gambling, playing for cryptocurrency in a fun and engaging way.
We will be raising funds through an IEO for the purpose of furthering development and project expansion. Please note that the funds raised are non for profit and will be allocated as follows:
Product development: 50%
Marketing: 20%
Exchanges: 10%
Token buy back (and/or token burning): 20%
The token distribution is layed out as follows:
Community: 45% (Community tokens are comprised as; free traded ‘swap tokens’, airdrops, bounties and future community events tokens)
Reserve: 15% (Future staking,future Airdrop/Bounty)
IEO: 15%
Marketing: 10%
Team: 10% Advisors: 5%

January 2020
Final scope of gaming design
February 2020
Launch of upgrade website
release of MVP
Partnership with gaming company
SBURN Fork & Token Swap
Top Exchange Listing
March 2020
Share Final UI/UX design for menu’s
Start Game Development
May 2020
Share Animation/FX’s
June 2020
Start Crypto API Integration (for Wallet and Transaction)
July 2020
Finisging final UI/ Character builder
August 2020
Dapp release (Android & IOS)
September 2020
Finishing up gameplay part (VS AI)
Start multiplayer integration
October 2020
Implement test result (menu+ gameplay(offline))
November 2020
Finishing up multiplayer integration
December 2020
Implement test result (menu + gameplay(offline))
January 2021
Testing Game with test group ( BURN Community)
February 2021
Publishing first version of BURN GAME


Kamis, 06 Februari 2020


About AceWins
AceWins launched on 24 November, 2018 is an online Crypto Casino and an ERC-20 Gambling Token (ACW). ACW Tokens have inbuilt HODL rewards system, which pays you HODL rewards, automatically up to 21% a month. The HODL Rewards are credited automatically to your wallet after the addition of every block to the Ethereum Blockchain which sums to 21% a month (approximately), if you allow the rewards to compound. After every year, the HODL Rewards get halved to prevent inflation.

Since the tokens pay you HODL Rewards, the initial supply is limited to 12,500,000 tokens. The balance in the burn address along with the HODL rewards piled up to a huge total supply. To avoid confusion, we created and deployed a new smart contract AceWins (ACW) with 12.5 million total supply on Nov-01-2019 09:26:29 PM +UTC and distributed the equal amount of ACW tokens to all the ACE holders. The old smart contract (0xbffdd152a9da1eda4afcc550fb1c789019e75334) and the ACE Tokens are not valid any longer. ACW is the new token and 0xd29fa4b8cc936a68bb560b19eed969ebfdbaa565 is the new smart contract address from Nov-01-2019 09:26:29 PM +UTC. 60 Percent of the casino's net revenue is distributed to the ACW token holders proportionally as dividends. The more ACW tokens you hold, the more dividends you may get.

You can trade ACW Tokens on the Saturn Exchange. Click here to Buy or Sell ACW Tokens on Saturn Exchange. We are in talks with a few other exchanges to list the ACW Tokens.

Some Opportunities to Get
Casino Investment
Invest in casino money and get up to 50 percent profit.

Affiliate Commission
Promote your referral link and get affiliate commissions.

Share Revenue For ACW Holders
Stake your ACW Token and get casino revenue share at BTC.

Matrix / Multi Level Marketing
Join one of our matrix plans and get 9 commission matrix levels.
60 Percent Of Income Casinos Are Distributed To ACW Token Holders As Dividends.
Register and login to start, participate and earn money.

Token (ACW)
Symbol: ACW
Contract: 0xd29fa4b8cc936a68bb560b19eed969ebfdbaa5656
Standard: ERC20
Decimals: 10
Total Supply: 13,770,570.924826785 ACW


Sabtu, 01 Februari 2020

Token EQ

Token EQ
Saya yakin Anda masing-masing tertarik pada hidup Anda tertarik pada berbagai alat investasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menambah modal. Namun terlepas dari jumlah alat yang tersedia, ada juga banyak kumpulan perangkap. Karena itu, pada persetujuan, orang besar ingin mengambil tempat yang diambil di industri investasi dihilangkan.

Tentu saja, jebakan ini dapat dengan mudah diselesaikan dengan pintu masuk yang tinggi, dan fakta yang terlepas dari kenyataan investasi dunia adalah salah satu daerah yang paling menguntungkan di dunia, ia juga merupakan salah satu yang paling tinggi -risiko.

Namun, ada juga metode investasi yang mengurangi jumlah masuk, juga risiko yang terkait dengan investasi, dan metode investasi yang disebut crowdfunding. Saya pikir banyak dari Anda yang akrab dengan istilah ini dan mengerti apa itu. Namun bagi mereka yang berbicara tentang Arah ini untuk pertama kalinya, saya akan menjelaskan. Crowdfunding populer atau karena dapat disebut investasi kolektif untuk pengembangan orang lain atau beberapa organisasi dan perusahaan.

Tentu saja, jenis investasi ini memiliki keberhasilan tertentu, tetapi di dunia yang tersentralisasi itu masih memiliki banyak kelemahan, yang ingin diubah oleh proyek desentralisasi yang baru. Yang sebenarnya ingin saya ceritakan pada Anda hari ini.

Tentang proyek dan fitur-fiturnya
Token EQ-nya sendiri, yang akan dipindahkan sebagai wahana investasi utama untuk investasi kerumunan baru yang tersedia di jaringan desentralisasi. Mengungkap potensi tanpa batas untuk semua orang yang ingin mengungkapkan dalam investasi dalam proyek-proyek startup baru, serta perusahaan yang sudah ada.

Seperti yang telah Anda pahami tentang struktur blockchain akan memungkinkan investor menghindari masalah crowdfunding yang paling umum di dunia yang terpusat seperti:

opacity operasi dan semua proses terkait;
Sesuai dengan ketentuan kontrak yang jelas, untuk membatalkan yang mana harus dibatalkan dan diubah.

Dengan meminta blok dan struktur terdesentralisasi di semua proses ini, para pendiri EQ Token sepenuhnya otomatis mengunduh peserta dari masalah seperti itu. Terkait, semua transaksi dan transaksi murni transparan, sambil menginvestasikan modal Anda di perusahaan tertentu, kontrak pintar dibuat di antara Anda, yang pada persetujuan meningkatkan tidak hanya tingkat kepercayaan, tetapi juga tingkat keamanan semua transaksi.

Selain itu, Token EQ membuka peluang baru tidak hanya bagi investor yang dapat memulai mengambil bagian dalam salah satu aplikasi investasi yang ditawarkan di situs web, tetapi juga untuk bisnis itu sendiri. Yang, pada pembicaraan, dengan mempublikasikan penawaran mereka sendiri untuk investor di situs web EQ Token, akan dapat dengan cepat mengumpulkan jumlah yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan proyek mereka, memberikan saham proyek mereka sebagai ketidakseimbangan atas token tersebut. Yang menurut saya sangat nyaman dan adil.

Tapi ini tidak semua. Karena selain kontrol pengantar, pemilik Token EQ akan membebankan komisi kecil pada jumlah yang diakumulasikan oleh proyek untuk pengembangannya. Ini juga akan mencakup kepemilikan wajib 3% token dari proyek itu sendiri dan 2% dari Komisi tentang jumlah semua dividen yang tersedia. Tentu saja, ini mungkin menunjukkan terlalu banyak kepada seseorang. Namun, metode ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memotong proyek berkualitas rendah yang dikeluarkan hanya pada persetujuan investor mereka. Proyek yang dibuat berdasarkan manfaat nyata dari alat yang dibuat atau dikembangkan oleh mereka dapat bertahan pada kondisi kerja yang sama dengan EQ Token.

Saat token itu sendiri, token EQ20 akan dikembangkan berdasarkan Protokol Ethereum dan disetujui standar ERC-20 klasiknya. Pada saat yang sama, jumlah total koin yang akan diperoleh dapat diperoleh 70 juta token. Dengan biaya awal $ 0,05 untuk 1 EQ20. Distribusi koin akan dilakukan melalui IEO dan hanya akan dilakukan selama 30 hari. Selama periode waktu ini, para pendiri EQ meminta untuk mengumpulkan Hard Cap sebesar $ 3,5 juta.

Merangkum kesimpulan logis tentang proyek ini, saya ingin menarik konsepnya yang sangat menarik, sebagai akibatnya orang kaya ingin berinvestasi dalam proyek-proyek baru dan menjanjikan akan menemukan tingkat keamanan alat yang memadai. Berkat yang indah akan dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.

Namun, tidak peduli tentang proyek bagus itu sendiri, saya selalu mendukung Anda tentang lebih lanjut tentang itu. Lagi pula, ubah saya cukup dangkal dan tidak memengaruhi fitur dalam proyek itu sendiri. Dan untuk membuat proses pencelupan dalam proyek ini diaktifkan dan senyaman mungkin, saya telah menyiapkan semua sumber daya sosial resmi dari Token EQ untuk Anda di muka.

Karena itu, jangan luangkan waktu berharga Anda dengan sia-sia, tetapi pergilah ke putaran saya selanjutnya dan baca sumber daya khusus. Dan di sinilah saya harus selamat tinggal untuk Anda. Saya senang berbagi proyek blockchain baru dan menarik dengan Anda. Karena itu, letakkan para husky, pindah saluran saya. Juga, jangan lupa untuk membagikan pendapat Anda tentang proyek ini di komentar. Terima kasih atas perhatian dan selamat tinggal!




AoS is a platform that truly makes the best of cryptocurrency exchanges and investments. There is a lot of buzz today about cryptocurrency but the truth of the matter is that not everyone is getting it right. AoS has developed several strategies that will ensure that anyone who invests with them is always going to smile to the banks.

As they understand that nothing is more important in a business relationship than trust, AoS has cultivated a solid network based on trust, integrity and reliability with their customers. Apart from the immense profits that you stand to gain, there are other reasons you need to sign up with AoS.

The cryptocurrency market is one that is full of uncertainties. However, with a crew of tested professionals and experts like the ones at AoS, you are very sure your investments will be in safe hands. Hence, you will have absolutely no reason to worry about your investments at any point in time.

AoS focuses a lot on professionalism and excellent delivery at all times. They go that extra mile to ensure that as the client, all your goals are reached. They always get the job done for you. That is why people keep signing up with them.

The same scenario plays out at RealKoyn where there is a whole new dimension added to the various investments that can be done in the real estate niche. With a team of savvy and highly-dedicated professionals, there is no better place to lodge your investments than with RealKoyn. With them, you are very sure you are dealing with real assets and getting only real profits. The whole platform is solidly based on the Ethereum ERC20 blockchain technology and this is very good news for investors.

There are several advantages with investing with RealKoyn. The entire process has been simplified and buying tokens can be done with the click of a button. Another reason why it is a solid and worthwhile investment is because it is tied to the land. Apart from water and food, land is the most important resource for humanity. It is one entity that is always increasing in value no matter what — land never depreciates in value.

What AoS has done is to totally disrupt the niche by blending cryptocurrency investments with real estate transactions. So although Koyn may function just like any other ERC20 token out there, what makes it different is what backs it in terms of security and value.

Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don’t make it to an exchange
This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don’t have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well — we get it done.

Expertise: We’ve done it
Character: Character counts
Support: You are not alone
Security: We are cautious
Transparency: Don’t guess, know
Credentials: Qualified by others

Partner with AoS, a top tier organization and let us help you navigate through the dynamic crypto terrain.
About 15% of cryptocurency tokens are profitable. We have discovered the pitfalls and and how to cross them. The returns of crypto cannot be beat, so it is completely worth the journey. Join us and capitalize on our expertise.

Unetted Projects (this is where we help most) 78%
Failed 4%
Quit 3%

Why Go With Us?
If you are still asking why, take these three points into consideration.

We are not trying to figure all of it out. Much of it has already been figured. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with people’s hard earned money. Our goal is to use all of our combined experiences to grow your assets.

Much of our team has operated under licenses in which governmental scrutiny is an unavoidable reality. This gives us an edge on competitors who haven’t operated in such environments. You don’t want to pay for them to figure it out.

You will know precisely the status of your koyn. You will have access to everything you need to know and more to ensure you are always in the know. We believe in the marriage of new school tech and old school values.

Scarcity Gives Value
Our Investments are based on scarce tangibles so there will always be value. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are prime targets; real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.
All tokens are backed by real assets
Multiple tokens offer multiple opportunities
Token values are reinforced by eachother

Blockchain is the Future of the Internet
The Internet of Things is converging toward block chain technology. Many cite blockchain as the biggest thing since the internet. Smart investors are looking to the future and positioning themselves for the next iteration.
Across Industries
Across Technologies
Across National Boundaries

Timing is Everything
The most important thing is not what you invest in but when you invest in it. Blockchain technologies including cryptocurrency is maturing and when the space completely settles, the returns will act accordingly. With most major tech companies and many non-tech companies investing tremendous resources in blockchain, the opportunity will wean.
Global Firms have Stepped in the Space
In 10 years almost every person knows Bitcoin
Most will enter the market too late

We have the Answer
Most cryptocurrencies are backed by good will only. Our opportunities are backed by stores of value. By using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, ie. land, minerals, etc.) and game changing tech, we are creating something never seen before.
Safer than other cryptocurrencies
Same type of gains possible
Long term and short term gains

Real Koyn (RKYN) is AoS current offering, win with us.
Real Estate is as “real” as it gets. By aggregating properties your tokens earn value. With so many tokens that never make it to trade, work with a group that has already established relationships to ensure your tokens trade. Our goal is to grow your money.
Not just a coin but a. . . Koyn Kollection!
To earn our spot as your go to cryptocurrency partner, we have to offer diverse opportunities and provide not just impressive returns but liquidity as well.
Koyn — The Mother
Koyn is our answer to tokenization. Tokens secured by some underlying value like real estate, metals or businesses, etc. Koyn is the next generation of secured assets; in the cryptoverse or the financial sector in general.
Real Koyn — Available Now
Our current entry in the blockchain space ,based on the worlds best values,in real estate. Early investor bonuses,and benefits make it a great opportunity. http://www.realkoyn.com
Gold Koyn — October 2020
We have employed experts to develop a world class model to secure gold and bring additional value to our members.

Multi tranches are better for early contributors
20%: Reserves
60%: Real Estate Asset
5%: Airdrop
2%: Contributors and Advisors
10%: Founders
3%: Bounty and Marketing

With a mix of property types we can find the very best deal
10%: Industrial
10%: Land
35%: Multi-Family
25%: Residential
20%: Commercial

Most funds are associated with acquiring projects
5%: Marketing
85%: Real Estate Identification, Securing, Development, Sales
10%: Administration, Operations, Legal

APR 2018
Organization Development
Create the offering, including Legal and Whitepaper
JUL 2018
Core Team Recruitmen
Identify core team members, outreach and placement.
SEP 2018
Core Team Development
Organize the team for a successful raise and project planning and development thereafter.
JAN 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development
Began to develop concept and architecture of our answer to the Social Media gap.
MAR 2019
Community Development
Outreach to the Crypto world to include all major crypto media and channels.
JUL 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development B
Continue to next phase of development for our Holisitic Social Network.
NOV 2019
Team Development and Preparation
Properly recruit and place new members and prepare for launch.
JAN 2020
Media Launch, PR and Community Engagement
PR launch and a blitz through social media channels.
JAN 2020
Raise Funds through Pre-Sale bonuses and discounts — motivating investors.
FEB 2020
Continue to raise funds through 4 Stage ICO.
MAR 2020
Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partner.
APR 2020
Exchange Listing
After review of exchange options, we will execute a contract and list on several exchanges.
JUN 2020
Project Commencement
Our team will research, identify, analyze and secure projects that meet our criteria.
JUL 2020
Social Network Site Complete
Members will enjoy the benefits of a holisitic online community.

For More Information Click Link Bellow: